We remember those who serve and those who lost their lives. No news on the soccer front except the latest buzz is for a return to play sometime in July…
There's no news on the soccer front this week. However, here's an interview with SF City board member Jake Steinberg on supporter ownership, which is the club's management model. The…
Only one news item for now, from the Beautiful Blog I'll let them tell the story. https://blog.sfgate.com/soccer/2020/05/06/bay-area-soccer-sj-quakes-fans-feed-hospital-workers-oakland-roots-add-player-new-usl-team-in-monterey/ The guess was the team was to be in Walnut Creek/Concord, but it…
Nothing to report except what was mentioned here. An update from the Quakes regarding playing training. If MLS chooses to return, the speculation is that it could be played closed-door.…
Some news that we missed. The deets from The Beautiful Blog are here, and it's very much what has been mentioned in the news. https://blog.sfgate.com/soccer/2020/04/27/bay-area-soccer-oakland-roots-sf-city-and-sf-glens-seasons-canceled/ Also, the San Jose…